We are in the process of reconfiguring our workshops to be even more effective. You'll be pleased with what we're cookin' up! Leave us your contact information and we'll let you know when we relaunch our workshop series.


This powerful, interactive workshop is your opportunity to minimize struggle in your business and get you into a state of enjoying your business and the prosperity it will bring you.


My unique system will eliminate the invisible barriers and negative patterns that stop your business from growing effortlessly.

You will leave the workshop with:

“After leaving Bill’s workshop, I already felt better about my business. The following week, I began to be more productive. Since then I’ve landed a couple of BIG clients and will most likely do 25% better this year than the last.”  

-- Holly, Redwood City



“You know those workshops where you expect a lot, but leave feeling unsatisfied? This isn’t one of them. It was powerful and safe. I am walking away honestly believing that more, much more is possible for myself and for my business. And that it can be effortless if I let it be.”

-- Adrian Klaphaak, San Francisco


These are just Some of the Tools You will be experiencing:


You will have the opportunity to be coached through your current blocks and come away with the inner knowing that there’s been a resolution. The changes you will experience will be meaningful, powerful and sustainable. This proven Effortless Business System is based on a series of simple steps that will allow you to find business and personal clarity, eliminate negative patterns, remove internal resistance to change and create more prosperity in your life.

Please allow me to support you, as I have so many others, in eliminating the barriers getting in the way of growing your business.

“This workshop gave me the space to breakthrough the muck and go straight to the core of what I needed to see in order to move forward successfully and with ease”

-- Elizabeth Agnew, San Francisco

You Will Grow and Shift in this Workshop in a Profound Way - Our Word On This -
Or Your Money Back!


“Bill is really plugged into something big. He blends intelligence, humor, depth, a deep caring for others and playful comfort that brings warmth into the room. It’s just the end of the workshop and I already feel a calm peacefulness. I can’t wait to see how this all unfolds.”

-- Garrison Cohen

“I recommend this workshop to people who are eager to learn more about how to break through self-limitations, doubts and fears about their business.”

-- Cristina Gomez, San Mateo, CA

This workshop will be fun, supportive and transformational for everyone involved.

* Bill Baren is a business coach, who inspires entrepreneurs to create Enough $, Enough Energy & Enough Time for what’s truly meaningful in their lives. Visit www.billbaren.com for a full bio.

** The WaveMaker eliminates negative emotional patterns that create inner conflict and prevent us from easily attracting what we want in our lives. The technology works very simply - exactly like a noise canceling headset - but which yields stunning and profound changes in people's inner - and outer experiences. Struggles with business, money, health, relationships, anxiety, etc. all have their basis in inner conflicts. When we “debug” ourselves of these inner conflicts on the inside, we change what shows up on the outside.