Welcome to this special training video

“10 Secrets to
Getting New Clients to Say Yes... And Hire You Right On The Spot”

Learn How To Hold Free Consultations That
Inspire Your Ideal Clients To Say “YES”
To Paying For Your Services


Photo of Bill Baren
Bill Baren
Creator of the "Master of Enrollment" Program

• Introduction

The below video training includes a complete 50-minute recording of an enrollment consultation I did to land a new $1,300 per month client.

You’ll hear an actual real-life consultation where I enrolled a new high-end client. No edits or improvements have been made, this is the consultation in its entirety.

Not only will you get to hear the EXACT words I used at every stage of a successful enrollment conversation....

In the video, I break down for you exactly what’s happening at every key moment of the call. The video is chock-full of my top secrets for a successful consultation.

• Here's Some Background...

I had never talked to this person before and he had never heard of me until he contacted me for this consultation (he found my website using Google). So, the Know, Like and Trust factor hadn’t been built up by being on my list. This is a great example as this is the type of situation you may often find yourself in.

Note that he mentions on the call that he interviewed 7 other business coaches before this consultation – and he chose me. The enrollment process I used on the call made a big difference.

One key observation – I set up the conversation and then got into the client’s needs right away. I established rapport and listened deeply. Normally, I would use the person’s name more, which I recommend but avoided this here since I was recording the call for others to hear.

And remember, this approach works for a $1,300 package as well as $300 package.

You can do it too!

Instructions Before Watching

I would recommend you review this material twice.

  1. First, just listen to the audio and put yourself in the position of the client and fully experience the entire call.
  2. Then, play it again, putting yourself in my position. But this time watch the video and read the slides where I give you my inside thoughts and secrets for enrolling a high-end client, step-by-step.

**There is a slight echo that goes away within the first two minutes**

Audio Version

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Video Training

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What Some People Have Said About This Training

Daniel G said:
Apr 13, 10 at 8:36 pm

WOW. What a beautifully executed session. I am inspired by your ability to follow the formula without it feeling at all formulaic. The way you talked about your intuition and encouraged him to trust his own intuition worked perfectly. Bravo.

Susan Y said:
Apr 15, 10 at 7:25 am

Awesome. Really shows how this process can work. I’m excited to practice it on more prospects. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Luey said:
Apr 17, 10 at 4:30 pm

This was a wonderful example of enrollment, and beyond that a prime example of really listening and being in the NOW, no matter whether you are on a personal or business level. Way to go and thank you and your new client for sharing, Bill!

Jan H said:
Apr 18, 10 at 3:32 pm

I am so glad I made the time to listen to this excellent presentation. Thank you Bill and thanks so much to the kind gentleman who was willing to bare his soul to us.

Jennifer said:
Apr 15, 10 at 10:31 am

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This makes it all come alive. My deep appreciation to you and to your client.

I’m trusting my intuition and it’s paying off with Bill.

thanks again

Maria said:
Apr 19, 10 at 9:08 am

This is a brilliant example of why listening to the client on this call express his desires, his pain, his longing, his brilliance was inspiring. Bill you did a beautiful job creating a structure for that to happen, meeting his power and he is a very powerful, generous, individual.

Louise B said:
Apr 20, 10 at 5:44 pm

What a wonderful example of a business enrollment conversation. Kudos to your client for his incredible authenticity and willingness to bare his soul. I so admire him after listening to this session. Please feel free to pass that onto him.

Dov G said:
Jun 03, 10 at 6:40 am

Hi Bill,

Great lesson. Thank you and thanks to your client for letting you share this.

Karen H said:
May 22, 10 at 9:28 am

I have listened over and over to this. Thank you so much for sharing it Bill. Not only does it demonstrate your expertise as an empathetic and skilled coach that i can learn and model, but it clearly reveals how your authenticity creates trust and confidence with a new client.


Enjoy the training!
Photo of Bill Baren

Bill Baren
Founder and President, Bill Baren Coaching


* Bill Baren is a business coach, who inspires entrepreneurs to create Enough $, Enough Energy & Enough Time for what’s truly meaningful in their lives. Visit www.billbaren.com for a full bio.